Goxo - 23
That this thing comes out of me
Without a thought or much control
I paint
I play
Some demon's bones
The fun it is - this endless fun
To play around with my own toy
I wished I could see others come
To share with me that Zborn Joy
(Oh god the cheese I really said it)
(Let's see if I will soon regret it)
The answer so far rather whispered
Carelessly has missed my ear
I'm waiting
With mild thoughts of accute despair
But soon one person, one with strength
Will grap my precious and play himself
Or herself or with many friends
To spark in me a brand new sense
That nothing is or has been lost
(german 4 cheers)
By the way, below is the 10 minute photoshop sketch that became the above ZbornToy render! (took 5 min to set-up and 4 seconds to render!)